Friday 20 December 2013

You ought to be freed and liberated: Freelance Article Writing Career Could Be The Only Gateway To Your Financial Freedom

“Every now and then, those things we are scared of trying, dabbling into or embracing is just what will liberate us.”

Freelance writing could be your right choice of career if you have the skills and nurture the desire to do that in you. The above extract is indeed an attention-grabbing and captivating quotation. Every one of us passed through the stage in life when we had to transit from school and student life to a more independent life of a full-time employee. Nevertheless, a lot of people who are offered work as full-time employee after their high school or college normally discover that they tend to dislike their work.  They feel deep down their hearts that there is a deep feeling that they’re worth more than what they are currently doing. So, the result is a show of dissatisfaction which is manifested through lots of complaints. They also share the opinion that what they aspire to do could be the thing that they needed to be free. The good question to ask at this point is; what does it mean to be freed and liberated?

To be freed and liberated could mean:

To go after that which you are passionate about:

It is a pleasant feeling when you do what you are passionate about. Your daily motivation which will keep the oil flowing will be that passionate desire constantly stirring up inside of you. You will be pleased to keep pursuing your passion and will not be afraid to tell the world about what you do. You would notice that the oil of enthusiasm in you will never run dry. This is the way to know if freelance writing is meant for you and how well you will do in it- the desire, the skill and the knowledge of what to be done. See why and how:

1.     Your passion and enthusiasm will make you more assiduous

You will discover that you are eager to labor tirelessly for your passion to write. No amount of obstacle will stand in your way. You will always seek out and discover ways to surmount any kind of obstacle.

2.     You are very open to inspirations and innovations:

Your passion and enthusiasm for freelance writing would make it easy for you to be inspired with innovative ideas. Why? Because, you highly regard your passion and consider it of an immense worth!   You are ready to prove to the world why you are the best in your field.

4. You desire to be set free and work as an independent entrepreneur:

Starting up as an entrepreneur is not a day’s job. It is an uphill struggle. The majority of business owners’ work round the clock to be able to make the amount of money they long for.  Your freedom entails not being tied up with any one particular employer but to work as a self-employer; although you must bear in mind that hard work will be your only key to success in your  freelance writing career.

When you have achieved your aims through hard work and industriousness, you could then choose the hours to work. You would then be free to take a break, go away on holiday, explore and savor the sweetness and the marvels of the world around you. I wish you the best of luck. Stepping into the outside world after school and starting an independent life is tough but with passion, determination, hard work and perseverance you can make your dreams of successful freelance writing career come through!!!

Do not be afraid to put that Freelance article writing skill of yours into practice. You never know, it may be the only key to success and a sure way to break away from financial insecurity and debt. Why not give it a try today!

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Thursday 19 December 2013

Leveraging A Family Business: Top Tips For Leveraging Family Business Brands

Leveraging a family business is highly essential to give you upper hands in the face of competing related business brands. In a time where competition is intense,some businesses are battling with the difficulty of creating a clear perception about who they are and the benefits they offer clients and so I have come up with a few tips to help you leverage your family business brands:

1. Celebrate your family business 

Since you own a family business, talk to people about it, make it known and celebrate it.  This is an excellent way of leveraging a family business.

2. Tell your story

If you don’t have a history page on your website, create one and don’t make it just a list of dates and facts –people love a personal stories.

3. Describe what makes you exceptional

Another tip for leveraging a family business is to consider what it is about your family business that gives your business something extra and special and communicate it to your clients.

4. Express your values

Whereas many businesses express their corporate values, family businesses have the unique chance to tell the world what makes the families that own them tick.

5. Acquire Feedbacks

Family businesses occasionally have an introvert quality but leveraging a family business,marketing and branding is about how others see you, not how you see yourself.

6. Use family members

Several successful family businesses in the world use their family members as brand ambassadors both inside the business and outside.

7. Beware of uneasy youths

Reputation takes years to create and a moment to destroy. In the case of family businesses, any young person bearing the name of the family needs to be cautious of dishonoring the family name. For leveraging a family business and to avoid this, you’ll need a strategy to create responsible future shareholders.

8. Remember your Family Office

Your family office can also take advantage of your family clienteles from a branding viewpoint. By articulating the investment values of your family and communicating these to associates and colleagues, a family office can certainly convey something similar to big financial institutions.

9. Aim for Talents

Inspire talented people to work with you. If part of your family business’ difficulty is the way it deals with its staff, make sure you aim for someone with that talent to handle it,which will reflect in your branding.

10. Refresh and Re-examine

As a final point about leveraging a family business, it is essential for you to re-examine your brand often since your business transits between generations. It is vital to keep hold of what has brought accomplishment in the past but it is also good to know that the next generation is the key to future success.

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Teaching Your Children To Save: 10 Top Ways To Teach Children How To Save Money

Teaching your children to save is among the essential habits you need to inculcate into your children very early in life. There are ways to motivate your child to start saving.The most important thing is to make saving fun, but you have to teach this concept in a way they’ll understand. Here are a few ways to teach your child to save money.

1. Envelopes or Jars

Envelop saving system can as well work for children. Have your child draw pictures of what he wants on either envelopes or jars. Teaching your children to save also entails helping them torealize that some items will take longer than others to save for so that they would get a separate jar or envelope for spending on daily items, on long term needs and on short term needs.

2. A Savings Goal Chart

When you know what your children want to save for, figure out how long it will take and make a chart. You can use box to represent each week and your children can place a sticker on that box.Teaching your children to save in this way could help them see when they are getting closer to their goal.

3. Offer Rewards for Saving Money

Try to reward your children for saving their money.  Just like credit union, which offers undershirts and other rewards, you can offer prizes to your children.

4. Show them Good Example

Another efficient method of teaching your children to save is to let them see that you save money too. Keep money in a jar while your child is looking at you. This will show him that saving is normal.


As your child grows, here are a few more ideas to teach him about saving:

5. Open a High Yield Savings Account

When your child is old enough to comprehend interest concept, you can help your child open a high yield account online and enlighten him on the significance of compound interest. 

6. Assist Your Child To Prioritize

Have your child put down a wish list of things he desires to spend money on and help prioritize that list. Ask your child to think long-term like a graduation trip to Europe, and then have your child allot an amount to the goal.

7. Allow Your Child Make Errors

Allowing your children to make errors in order to be directed is another excellent way of teaching your children to save.The best lesson at times emanates from a poor decision, particularly when your children are young so the financial loss won’t be so much.

8. Talk About Money         

You may want to let your child hear you discuss your financial and retirement plan. In this way, he will understand saving as a lifetime endeavor.

9. Piggy bank

Piggy banks are way of teaching your children to save for a reason: it makes saving more interesting to this age group.

10. Show how interest works

Tell your child that whenever he saves a quarter you'll add a nickel in a separate jar. It makes your child understand better.
Finally, whatever your child's age, it's important you model good savings habits for them. The importance of teaching your children to save can never be over emphasized!

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Personal Finance Management Skills: Why You Need To Learn How ToBuild Your Own Personal Financial Plan

A good knowledge of various personal finance management skills like your current financial earnings or circumstances, budgeting, spending, saving for retirement,investing and managing your money wisely on a day to day basis to a great extent will improve your future financial status. Learning how to build your own Personal Financial Plan can help you build strong personal finance management skills as well as helps you to achieve the lifestyle you desire.

The personal finance management skills you have early in life will have a great impact on your future. When you take into consideration the financial turmoil many have faced in recent years and the future of Social Security, it will be sensible if people both young and old start saving early and thinking about their finances.

To ensure your future is secured, we have compiled tips, secrets and hidden treasure of money skills that will guide you through life below:

1: Recognizing Money saving habits and planning a budget
Planning a budget and tracking expenses either on paper or through online budgeting tools tells you precisely where your money goes every month and provides you the chance to amend expenses in certain areas. Maintaining a financial journal is another personal finance management skill that can show you what kind of habits you may already have started and will help to prevent bad ones from manifesting. 
2: Generate a Saving Scheme
Whether you put aside a certain sum of money every month by hand, or you program an automatic withdrawal from your checking account, or order a fraction of your paycheck into a company retirement plan, is necessary for fruitful long term money management.Deposit all that you can at first, and then aim to add 15% of your net salary to the fund once-a-month.
3: Seeking for advice
Reading financial issues and recognizing the various components of personal finance management skills can assist you in making better choices in your middle age.You can seek advice from resources like books, websites, financial advisors,etc.
As a conclusion building your own financial Plan can help you:
• Estimate your earning potential
• Evaluate your spending habits
• Analyze a home price that is within your means
• Assess the options available to you when procuring assets like asset a car and a house
• Discover multiple saving methods
• Plan for retirement and so on. Why not learn personal finance management skills now and be the king of your future rather than be a slave to it.

Save Your Business From Possible Collapse: 6 Best Ways To Finance A New Business Venture Now Revealed!

Starting a successful business can be a tough task filled with many hurdles and obstacles and there is no part of the journey more challenging than finding the correct and best ways to finance a new business venture. Below is an outline of some traditional and creative financing choices available if you’restarting your own business.

1. Investments and Savings

Your first source of funding among the best ways to finance a new business venture should be your own savings and investments. The bad thing is that it if happens to fail, it will be your money that goes down with the ship. If you’re not prepared to risk your own capital, you surely shouldn’t be ready to risk someone else’s.

2. Family and Friends

After tapping your own investments and saving, you may turn to your family and friends for help. Nothing causes tension with friends and family like lending money that is never repaid. When your loved ones invest in your business they are emotionally investing in you.

3. Credit Cards

My first business was financed on credit cards so if you choose to finance your business on credit cards, have it in mind that using this best way to finance a new business venture, you will be paying back at a very high interest rate.

4. Mortgage The Farm

5. Bank loans are almost impossible to secure if you do not have collateral and a good track record of business venture, which is why you may have to use the equity in your home to finance your business if you have been turned down for a bank loan before. Whether your business thrives or not you must pay this money back.

6. Angel Investors

Angel investors are another means of funding startups among the best ways to finance a new business venture. Typically, angel investors are rich individuals who invest in startup ventures for a share of the ownership. If you agree to take angel money make sure the terms and conditions are plainly stated on both sides. Angel money has been known to always have strings attached to it.

7. Venture Capitalists

Venture Capitalists money does not only have strings attached to it but it comes with chains and locks and lots of legal documents too. Venture Capitalists always have the dominance in any business they invest in; that’s the price you pay to have access to Venture Capitalists money.

No matter the what you choose as your best ways to finance a new business venture and how you get the finance for your business, be sure to use it prudently. Have a very clear blueprint on how the money will be utilized and how you will pay back.

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